♪♫♥ ♪♫♥ Tune In – Tap In – Turn On With Terrie
In My Mind – I See an Image of Me
It’s The Person I Knew – I Could Always Be
I’m Making My Dreams Come True
Doing Things That I Wanna Do
I’m Spending Time – Doing What I Wanna Do
I Get What I Want – And Lots of Money, Too
By Expressing Who I Am – It Always Pays I’m Creating My Dreams Much Faster These Days
I’m Opening The Door – To Let My Dreams Walk In
When I Express Who I Am – I Easily Transcend
I Focus On What I Want – Every Day
My Dreams Manifest In Wondrous Ways
If You Want A More Joyous, A More Fulfilling life? Then . . . Start Singing About It!
We get programmed with so much negativity everyday – listening to the news – the events taking place around the world. It’s very rare to hear the media broadcast positive things that are happening. And… we’re exposed even more by the music that’s being played. Those songs the teenagers are gravitating towards have negative programming in the lyrics.
So much has been written about using positive affirmations to raise your self-esteem. However, when we write or say affirmations – that critical part of our mind can sometimes cancel out the affirmation by pulling up our negative thoughts and beliefs. But . . . when we sing – that critical part of the brain is completely bypassed so that those words from the songs can reach down into the sub-conscious and totally turn our lives around in a different, positive direction. “The Thought Is To Crowd Out The Negative Thinking.” Our voices are powerful tools in healing. I have been singing ever since I was a child. It seems only natural to arrange affirmations to simple melodies that are easy to remember and sing along with.
What I really enjoy and have fun with is taking a song that I like the beat of the music to and change the lyrics into words that have positive meanings for me. It’s very uplifting and can really elevate your mood. It’s also an area that can really enhance your Self-Esteem. Writing affirmation songs is a very powerful and unique service I offer which speeds up the process of getting the desired results for my clients. These tunes tend to stay in your head and have you humming along all day!
I think the key is to find an upbeat tune that you really like. This way reprogramming our brain doesn’t have to be a monotonous, time-consuming project – but it CAN be LOTS OF FUN!